Posted in daily life, self knowledge

the importance of “save” button

or icon

or whatever it is where picture below reminds you when you use PC (personal computer), laptop, tablets, smartphones, etc., to save your file before you finish it.




We live in a world where sometimes we can make our ‘mistakes’ subconsciously in terms of human-gadget interraction.

Therefore there is this post to remind how important one button that we always see every time we operate or use software in these digital hardwares, the save button. As an engineer, this button (or icon) is very important to us. Not only when we work in the work-related software (engineering software), but also to some general software use, such as word processors, spreadsheets, databases, etc. If we know the 3 basic flowchart steps of using software, input-process-output where we know the most obstacles that we may find is in the step of process, save button is a very important thing.

What does it mean by the obstacles? Depends on many things, hardware problems (fully equipped), electrical (sufficient power), enviroment (temperatures, other things).

The point is the save button is a very important button when it comes to finishing our continuous work. Therefore never forget to press this button when we are in front of our work, or otherwise we must do our work from the beginning.

Other interesting point is

Why up till now this icon is still used where we know floppy disk has been old enough, and for now it is flash disk (or USB – Universal Serial Bus flash drive) that obviously more popular and more useful as the icon.

Isn’t it ?

Posted in daily life, self knowledge

fun fact living in norway

Two years experiencing life in Norway gives a lot of memories that I think I have to share it.

These are some experiences I get when I lived in Norway from 2012 to 2014. Maybe one day I will go back there (I don’t know).

  1. You can sell any type of phones there. I sold my blackberry there. At that time I have seen that there is no type of this phone sold there. I guess unique types of electronic is wanted and in demand in this polar country.
  2. If the currency of 1 $ (USD) is equal to 8 or 9 NOK, then this fact is true for the use of 1 $ in Norway. It is a bit expensive lifestyle you will experience there. Even in Oslo, you will have to pay 10 NOK to go to toilet. As I remembered, I have never had my breakfast bought in the street or super market during my life there. You will be able feeling the difference when you travel outside Norway. Try Europe. three-beers-a-glass-of-wine-what-1-will-buy-you-in-europe
  3. Different type of toilet without water pipe. I did not know typical toilet in other countries but I saw a lot of typical toilet without water pipe with it in Norway. There are only tissues for cleaning therefore it is a bit weird to have this sort of toilet in urgent need 🙂 The water pipe is a sort of nozzle where the valve can be adjusted to spray the water. ht1m9nyfghxxxagofbx9
  4. As I have let you know that you can sell anything in Norway in no.1, another unique (yet fun) thing I have in my experience during my life in Norway is selling plastic bottle. Each plastic bottle is valued around 2 NOK (for 1.5 liter bottle) per bottle. It is very innovative to recycle these bottles into a new usable thing by buying them from the people who have used them.
  5. Most of the tap on the sink provide water that can be drunk without preheated. Even if you travel outside Norway, you will be missing the freshness of the water. And when you get back to this country and immediately you drink the water from the sink. Ahhh… heaven.. 🙂 *true story tap-water-5a0346c0482c52001aea6061

So that’s all some life experience I had when I was living in Norway as a student. I believe each person had different stories about it.



Posted in daily life, healthy life, self knowledge, Uncategorized

red rice

when I was in Norway, I am thankful I still can eat food which is considered a primary food in this world, a rice.

Firstly I thought the primary food there will be only potatoes, wheat, yams, etc..

This article is to let know people where I believe most of them only know rice is only white colored rice.

There is another type color of rice which is a red rice.


It tastes the same with the regular white rice. The texture is also similar, but the contents and the benefit is different. This rice is known for its benefit for medical treatment, such as lowering the risk of obesity, fighting asthma, good for bone health, lowering blood glucose, and preventing heart disease.

Knowing these facts, I guess eating red rice can be your tick list for your daily food.

Posted in daily life, Uncategorized

best way to operate windows 7

Windows 7 has been the best operating system since its popularity for the amount of users all around the world among all other system. From 2014 until 2015, it has been expected that half of overall windows users use windows 7.

For all people who like to use windows 7, I have experienced some best way to operate it. Sometimes you need this so that you do not have to move your hands to use your mouse. These all some of the useful shortcuts if you want to use your computer effectively using  windows 7 :

1. If you want to leave your desk for awhile, you can press Windows button + L. It will put your laptop on the ‘locked mode’ suddenly. You save your time without using mouse pad.

2. When you want to find some documents or see other things in your laptop, you will firstly open the explorer, and open ‘My Computer’. To get a shortcut, just press Windows + E.

3. Your boss is coming when you are playing games in your pc. Don’t worry, just press Windows+D, Desktop screen will save you 😀

4. If you want to find a recorder application in windows, you can do it in shortcut by pressing Windows+R, then type psr.exe. Enter. Tadaaa… Start recording !

5. You can see a cool stuff when you press Windows +R and type osk. Enter. and yess. Virtual keyboard !

6. If you find your object in the screen (either a picture or sentences) very small to you, you can adjust it by pressing Windows + ‘+’ or ‘-‘ (zoom in or zoom out).

7. During surfing on the internet, you can switch your tab by pressing Ctrl + Tab. This will be useful if you have a lot of things to do (googling, literature research, downloading, etc.)

8. I know you can press Windows button to open ‘Start’ program. Other way to do it is by pressing Ctrl+Esc.

So there are some of the ways the best and the effective one to operate windows 7 that I have found. Hopefully it will be useful for you.